The 1031 Exchange Process

With personalized expert service, one of the industry’s leading marketplaces of 1031-eligible property interests, Breakwater lets you manage your investment property wealth with the same sophistication you apply to the rest of your portfolio.



Identify Your Property
Wealth Scenario

Many situations drive the sale or exchange of an investment property. Let us know which scenario is closest to yours.


Investment Properties With Breakwater

Breakwater’s goal is to bridge the gap between investment property ownership and sophisticated investment strategies, to help you strive to meet your income needs in retirement, manage your risk, and preserve your property wealth across generations.


Personalized Wealth Solutions with Breakwater

With Breakwater, you now have a single, end-to-end partner for transforming your individual property investments into diversified portfolios of investment property interests, tailored to your unique retirement income needs, risk profile, and goals for risk-adjusted returns.


What Is Your Investment Property Wealth Scenario?

Without planning, investors might make damaging decisions when it’s time to harvest their investment property wealth. We believe you need a partner that understands your unique scenario and can help deliver a personalized wealth solution.


Involve Your Trusted Intermediaries

Open your exchange process to trusted accountants, attorneys, and wealth advisors, so you can be confident your entire team is collaborating to create your custom wealth solution


Investment Tracking

Once your portfolio is in place, sponsors will provide the tools and information you need to track your individual investments.


Potential Liquidity Options
for Your Property-Interests

Over time you may require liquidity to address income needs or other unexpected variables. When this happens, Breakwater provides a potential option for selling or exchanging individual property interests with other investors.